Teacher : Use 'income' in a sentence.
Fred : I opened the door and in come the cat.
Teacher : Wrong! Try 'ransom.'
Fred : I saw a skunk and ran some distance away.
Teacher : No. Try 'handsome.'
Fred : Hand some candy to me.
Teacher : (exasperated) Your last chance is 'gruesome.'
Fred : Since last year I grew some.
Teacher : Let's take the example of the busy ant. He is busy all the time,
works all day and every day. Then what happens?
Bright student : He gets stepped on.
Teacher : What is usually used as a conductor of electricity?
Johnny : Why....er...
Teacher : Wire is right. Very good. Now tell me, what is the unit of
electrical power?
Johnny : The what?
Teacher : That's absolutely correct, the watt. Now class, you should all
study diligently like Johnny here.
The teacher was taking her class on a nature hike. As they were walking
along, Bobby asked her, " Miss Hanson, do you know what has a hundred
legs, quills like a porcupine, a tail with a stinger at the end of it, six
eyes, and bright green spots?" "I've never seen such a thing, Johnny,"the
teacher replied. "Well, there's one on your collar now."
The science teacher lecturing his class in biology said, "Now I'll show
you this frog in my pocket." He then reached into his pocket and pulled
out a chicken sandwich. He looked puzzled for a second, thought deeply,
and said, "That's funny. I distinctly remember eating my lunch."